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Chinese Philosophy|Fundamental of T.M.C.|Tuina Massage

A Gateway to the Celestial Empire
Chinese philosophy originated during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, within a time known as the "Hundred Schools of Thought," characterized by significant cultural and intellectual developments.
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One of the oldest and most widespread religions in the world.
It revolves around the doctrines based on the four noble truths.


Refers to philosophical and mystical doctrines, primarily presented in the works attributed to Laozi and Zhuangzi.


A philosophical tradition elaborated by Confucius, aimed at addressing the spiritual decay in China.

Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

"This course, purely informative in nature, is for those who want to understand the theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine. These lessons are led by certified acupuncture doctors".

"Any healthy discipline, such as tuina, qigong, healthy techniques, energy-based nutrition, foot reflexology, and acupuncture, includes the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine as its fundamental basis".

""Traditional Chinese Medicine stands up to modern science; scientific studies published in reputable international journals confirm its validity.
A subtle play of balances between opposites."

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Tuina Massage

Massage courses are based on the method of the "Jingang Li Gong" school's 72 techniques for health and are open to all.
This type of body massage promotes perfect physical condition and a state of deep relaxation.
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