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LONGZHAO Liànxí fǎ

Complete study through orthodox Principles and Methods !

Innovation & Tradition

Traditional teaching methods are undoubtedly the best for acquiring skills in Chinese martial arts, tested in real (not hypothetical) situations over thousands of years.
Unfortunately, they require time to yield effective results.
However, in this historical period, practitioners lack time, resulting in the proliferation of hundreds of Kungfu, Taijiquan, and self-defense courses, mostly offered by inadequately prepared "teachers" who have often learned some techniques from attending occasional seminars of a few hours, or even from YouTube masters.
Many instructors have never had, nor have they ever had, a Master (no photos, no videos, no information), but they are skilled enough to post content (often partial or incorrect) on social media.

Beware of Fake Kungfu or Taijiquan !
True and false are very similar to an inexperienced eye.


A different method !

A sign of our times, people have become accustomed to quick courses that have nothing to do with the "true" techniques of Chinese martial arts, offering only empty sequences devoid of the substance that makes this art an excellent method for self-defense or health care.
Our Association, under its Technical Director Master Zanetti, stands out for over 49 years of continuous practice (since September 1975) with many Chinese Masters.
He is indeed the only Westerner recognized as an "Indoor Student" by three great Chinese Masters, who have also bestowed upon him various Quanpu (ancient manuals) of their styles.

Do not confuse method and purpose

Often, method and purpose are confused, leading to schools that practice only empty forms lacking effectiveness and skill.
The "International Longzhao Association" follows an extremely innovative study and training method for the West, closely linked to the purest Chinese tradition.
The "龍爪练习法 Lóngzhǎo Liànxí fǎ" Method is based on understanding and training in the principles of practiced styles.
Through ancient training methods of our Association, it significantly reduces the learning time for kungfu skills and rapidly increases technical proficiency.

15 Points for Body Posture
Without knowing and practicing correctly the 15 fundamental points for body posture, one cannot move correctly. .
22 Types of Force Generated by the Body
The coiling body is like twisted ropes. Each part of the body generates a different type of force used in practice.
3 Methods for Emitting Force (Fā jìn 发劲)
All Chinese styles use force emission (fājìn 发劲) through three emission methods, which require 11 principles to function.

During the study of the practiced style, techniques are continuously taught through technical-tactical principles and tested for their effectiveness.
This allows for a rapid understanding of the style!

Master Zanetti is one of the most renowned and respected masters of Kungfu, Taijiquan, and Qigong in Europe.
His knowledge of traditional Chinese arts is extensive, spanning from physical and postural work to meditative and energetic practices.
The teaching method "龍爪拳法 Lóngzhǎo quánfǎ" is extremely innovative yet firmly rooted in the purest Tradition.
It significantly reduces the learning time for kungfu skills and rapidly increases technical proficiency.
All principles and training methods of our Association are derived from various styles learned by Shifu Zanetti over half a century of continuous martial arts practice with many Chinese Masters, as well as being the only Westerner recognized as a “Indoor Student” of three great Masters and the possessor of various Quanpu (ancient manuals) gifted by these same Chinese Masters.
Through his exceptional teaching, thousands of students in Italy, France, Spain, Malta, the United Arab Emirates, the United States, and Brazil have been able to study unique Chinese styles and become trained as instructors.

Shifu Maurizio Zanetti

Founder of F.I.Wu.K. (Italian Federation of Wushu Kungfu)
Indoor Student of GM Lin Dongzhu and 9th Generation Heir of Tanglangquan
Indoor Student of GM Tang Tungwing and 10th Generation Heir of Hung Gar
Indoor Student of GM Tang Tungwing and 21st Generation Heir of Chen Taijiquan
Direct student of GM Kuang Haijun and 6th Generation of Li Pai Taijiquan
Indoor Student of GM Liu Jingru and 5th Generation Heir of Baguazhang

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