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Shifu Liu Jingru

One of the best masters of "Baguazhang"

Disciple of Grandmaster Luo Xingwu in Cheng Baguazhang and Xingyiquan.
Disciple of Grandmaster Shan Xiangling in Liuhe Tanglangquan.
Student of Baguazhang under Grandmaster Qiu Weihe.
Student of Baguazhang under Grandmaster Cheng Youxin (son of Cheng Tinghua).
Student of Baguazhang and Xingyiquan under Grandmasters Liu Chanfeng and Wang Wenkui.
Student of Baguazhang Yi style under Grandmaster He Zhong Qi.


Liu Jingru 刘敬儒 was born on July 5, 1936, in Gaoyang, Hebei.
In 1947, his family relocated from Hebei to the capital city of China.
He began studying Baguazhang and Xingyiquan with Luo Xingwu in 1957.
Even though Luo Xingwu knew about Liu Jingru's preference for Bagua Zhang, he required him to first study Xingyi Quan for three years under the guidance of his Master Hao Enguang.
Only after this preliminary training did Luo Xingwu introduce Liu Jingru to the study of Bagua Zhang.
In 1960, he also followed the teachings of Qiu Weihe (a disciple of Zhang Zhankui) with whom he studied Bagua, also known as "Spiral Boxing."
He also studied Yin Fu's Bagua and became an internal student of Shan Xiangling, the master of Liuhe Tanglangquan (Praying Mantis 6 Harmonies).
During the same period, he received valuable teachings from other famous masters, including Cheng Youxin, the son of Cheng Tinghua, whom he became a direct student of with Luo Xingwu's endorsement, and from Liu Chanfeng and Wang Wenkui, thus becoming one of the world's leading experts in Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, and Liuhe Tanglangquan.
In 1963, at the age of 27, he participated in a significant competition in Beijing and won both the Baguazhang and Xingyiquan competitions.
As a result, in the following years, he consistently ranked among the top contestants, gaining fame in Bagua and Xingyi.
In 1970, he deepened his study of the Yi style of Bagua Zhang under Master He Zhong Qi.
This completed his study of the three main styles of Bagua Zhang, learning them from masters belonging to the official lineage of the three schools.
In 1979, he secured first place in another competition held in Nanning, Guangxi, for his Baguazhang.
In 1980, he achieved second place in the national competitions in Taiyuan, Shanxi.
In the same year, he became a member of the Beijing Wushu Society's committee and also assumed the role of vice-secretary of the Baguazhang Study Association.
In 1987, along with his fellow student Luo Dacheng and the famous Hong Kong master Ma Youqing, he published the book "Cheng Shi Baguazhang."
In 1988, he participated in the video "Chengshi Baguazhang" produced by the sports publisher of the University of Beijing.
In 1997-98, Master Liu presented another video on Baguazhang in various episodes on Beijing TV, solidifying his position as a leading figure in the art of Bagua.
Currently, he teaches Bagua at Dongcheng Wushuguan (one of Beijing's most important Bagua schools) and in Tiantan Park, in the southern part of the capital, contributing to the training of athletes for the Beijing Wushu team, including famous athletes Ge Chunyan and Zhang Hongmei, who have won gold medals in various national competitions.
He also teaches in Taorang Ting Park, in the southern part of Beijing, near the Temple of Heaven Park.
Among his students are Kong Cheng, An Yanwu, An Yanming, Tang Tung Wing, and Maurizio Zanetti.

Xué guì yǒuhéng
Studying diligently is like a bud in spring

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We are in the internet era, and people have become accustomed to rapid courses that leave very little to the practitioner.
Hundreds of gyms offer Kungfu, Taijiquan, and Qigong courses, most of which are interpreted by poorly trained “Teachers” who often have studied for a few years with a master or worse, have occasionally attended seminars of a few hours, or even learned from books and YouTube.
Orthodox teaching methods, with a TRUE Master, include methods of nèigōng, conditioning, training in the 9 ways, testing the 4 methods, the 4 distances, the 6 directions, the 2 emitted sounds, etc.
Our Association offers a study method based on the TRUE orthodox “way”, which gives the TRUE knowledge of theoretical principles, so deeply that we can integrate them into our practice, achieving the skills necessary for real effectiveness.

Shifu Maurizio Zanetti


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