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Longzhao Project

Not a Federation, but a study project !

Joining the Longzhao Project means becoming part of a large International family.
It means following great Chinese Masters with clear lineages and orthodox and complete traditional styles.
It means adopting a serious and concrete study method and achieving total skills and knowledge of the chosen system.
If you are a teacher with a following of students, join us by joining our Project !


International Longzhao Project

The "International Longzhao Association" is not a Federation but consists of a collection of sports societies, associations, or teachers united by a common purpose and educational program.
The entire Association is organized into "Academic Teacher Training Centers."
The technical and educational training of teachers affiliated with our Association is managed by the International Technical Director, Master Maurizio Zanetti, and authorized teachers.
The Association is educationally linked to the Chinese Masters we represent and gathers a global network of participating schools and teachers.
It is possible to join our Association as a teacher to share our Project.

Joining the Project

You can join the Association as a Teacher and become a Site Manager by applying and following the training courses through the three indicated methods:

  • Academic Teacher Training Centers
  • Online Academy
  • Seminars and Workshops

If you are a teacher with your own following of students, you can also organize Seminars or Workshops in your own city with Master Maurizio Zanetti.


An International, yet familiar, school where you can study with enthusiasm and sincerity.


Achieving the skills necessary for real effectiveness and increasing your technical knowledge.


Being part of an International Organization and recognition in the style lineages of the Masters we exclusively represent.

shīfu lăng jìnmén, xiūxíng zài gèrén
The master opens the door, but one must enter alone.
Qiān lǐ zhī xíng, shǐ yú zú xià)
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

These two Chinese proverbs illustrate our study philosophy.
Master Zanetti, an example of professionalism and generosity, sincerely shares his knowledge with the Association's teachers.
They will study with sincerity and perseverance, helping each other like a closely knit family.

YOUR goal, OUR goal !

Answers to frequently asked questions, everything you need to know.
For further specific questions, contact us !

Is the "International Longzhao Association" a Federation ?
No, it is formed by a group of sports clubs, associations, or teachers, managed autonomously but united by a common purpose and educational program.
Therefore, there are no membership fees for the Association.
The entire Association is organized around the "Academic Training Centers", authorized to organize in-person Teacher Training Courses, as well as the Online Academy Courses and Seminars.
Which Masters and styles does it represent ?
Our Association is recognized and educationally linked to the Masters:
Lin Dongzhu, grandson of the famous GM Lin Jingshan of the "orthodox" Seven Star Praying Mantis style.
Tang Tungwing, disciple of GM Tang Kwookwah of the Lam family Hung Gar style.
Tang Tungwing, disciple of GM Wang Xi'An of the Chen family Taijiquan style.
Kuang Haijun, disciple of GM Zhang Shaotang of the rare Li Pai Taijiquan style of the Li School.
Liu Jingru, one of the best Chinese masters of the Baguazhang style.
How does one become an "Academic Teacher Training Center" ?
One must be an "Indoor student" of Master Maurizio Zanetti, or teachers with a special delegation, and request authorization.
Organize at least one annual workshop open to everyone at their own venue, to be conducted by the International Technical Director or a teacher designated by them.
The Heads of the Academic Centers can also hold Seminars anywhere, according to the methods and technical programs established by the Association.
Are certificates issued by the Association ?
The certificates issued by the Association, pertaining to the various positions, are four:
- "Association Membership" certificate, valid for one year
- Teacher Qualification certificate
- "Academic Center for Teacher Training" certificate
- "Indoor student" certificate of Master Maurizio Zanetti
What obligations are required to be part of the Association ?
There are no particular obligations for anyone, except to:
- Consistently and passionately follow the Courses.
- At the end of each level, participate in the evaluation exam by the
   International Technical Director and potential issuance of an
   annual Teacher Qualification Diploma.
- On common occasions of the Association, conform to the
   Association’s image by wearing the Association’s t-shirt and uniform.
- Mandatory participation for Teachers in one event per year with Master
   Zanetti, choosing from:
  • Seminar or Workshop, Summer Camp organized by the Association .
  • Seminar or Workshop organized by the Teacher themselves
           (if the Teacher has their own School).
  • Private lesson.
  • What are the advantages of being part of the Association ?
    The advantages are numerous:
  • Learn and deepen original and orthodox styles of famous Chinese masters,
           with clear and traceable lineages. .
  • Professional educational training through three ways :
            Academic Centers, Online Academy, Seminars.
  • Inclusion of the Teacher and their Venue on the national website of the
           Association, providing excellent visibility on the Internet, in four languages.
  • All requests received by “Longzhao” and addressed to the Societies
            will be redirected to them.
  • Certificate of membership in the International Longzhao Association and
            authorized Teacher certificate. .
  • Permission to teach in the name of the International Longzhao Association ,
            Master Zanetti, and the Chinese Masters we represent .
  • Possible inclusion in the lineage of the Chinese Masters we represent.
  • Possibility to open an “Academic Center for Teacher Training”
           at their Venue .
  • Opportunity to use our Logo.
  • Are there belts, ranks, and level exams for students ?
    The Association does not impose any ranks or belts, which are left to the individual Societies.
    However, the central Headquarters uses the following three levels and eight grades.
    Is there an official uniform of the Association ?
    On official occasions, all Teachers will wear black pants and a white t-shirt with the Association's logos.
    For demonstrations, however, the Teachers will wear black pants and the typical white jacket with black trim, with the "Longzhao" symbol on the chest.
    What is the moral code (Wu De) of the Association ?
    武德 (Wǔ dé) is the term that denotes the set of ethical rules that all martial practitioners must follow.
    These rules guide the relationships within Martial Arts Schools.
    It is said: "Those who want to study Martial Arts must first respect the ethics".
    The Wǔ dé in our Association is:
  • 崇武尚德,以礼为先 Chóng wǔ shàng dé, yǐ lǐ wèi xiān
            Honoring Martial Arts and respecting Virtue, with Etiquette as a priority.
  • 德意双修,切莫逞强 Dé yì shuāng xiū, qiè mò chěng qiáng
            Cultivating both Virtue and Thought, never showing off one's strength.
  • 刻苦锻炼,强身砺志 Kè kǔ duàn liàn, qiáng shēn lì zhì
            Training hard to strengthen the body and fortify the will.
  • 虚心好学,勤奋自律 Xū xīn hào xué, qín fèn zì lǜ
            Humbly learning, diligently disciplining oneself.
  • 持之以恒,自强不息 Chí zhī yǐ héng, zì qiáng bù xī
            Persevering and constantly striving for self-improvement.
  • 仪表端庄,大度坦落 Yí biǎo duān zhuāng, dà dù tǎn luò
            Presenting oneself with dignity, showing magnanimity, calmness, and
  • 忌酒狂语,轻慢自大 Jì jiǔ kuáng yǔ, qīng màn zì dà
            Avoiding alcohol and frivolous talk, arrogance, and disrespect.
  • 恭谨谦让,淡泊名利 Gōng jǐn qiān ràng, dàn bó míng lì
            Being respectful and modest, indifferent to fame
           and profit.
  • 技精艺进,体悟人生 Jì jīng yì jìn, tǐ wù rén shēng
           Mastering skills, advancing in art, and realizing one's
  • What are "Indoor Students" ?
    "Indoor Students" are the students closest to Master Zanetti, who have shown passion for practice and dedication to the Association and the Master.
    For these reasons, their request to undergo the Discipleship ceremony has been accepted.
    They can establish "Academic Centers for Training" at any venue and conduct Seminars and Workshops anywhere on behalf of our Association, following the same educational and technical programs.
    Qualification exams for Teachers are under the jurisdiction of the Technical Director M° Zanetti.
    "Indoor Students" are the only ones to whom Master Zanetti's Quanpu on the practiced style are gifted.
    Minimum parameters to apply to become an "Indoor Student" under the Technical Director are:
  • Minimum practice of 5 years within "Longzhao Gongfu."
  • Passion for practice and dedication to the Association and the Master.
  • Obligation to participate in the Association's annual Summer Camp.
  • Maximum commitment to the Association in organizational aspects.
  • Exclusively follow the teachings of the Technical Director, refraining
           from practicing other Chinese styles outside of the Association, under
           penalty of permanent expulsion from the "Int'l Longzhao Association ".
  • Keys to YOUR future !

    Seize the opportunity to learn Kungfu, Taijiquan, and Qigong without secrets.

    Do you want to start your personal journey with our Association ?
    Do you want more information ?
    Send us a message; we will be happy to answer all your questions promptly.